
About the Project

Now is the Time!

Raising public art in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in southwest Michigan.

Throughout the United States, communities – including our own – face a painful conflict. We prize equality and love, and yet injustice continues to oppress our brothers and sisters because of the color of their skin.

Change starts locally, in the heart of a single person, a single community. Now is the time to unite; not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our hearts. Now is the time to let justice ring. Now is the time to set ourselves free.

To solidify our intent, help us erect monuments in both St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. This public art will honor the influence and strength of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and remind us of the value of all humanity.

Join us today –  you will be seen, respected and encouraged to flourish as we reimagine our community. 



This project is led by the founders of the African American History & Literature Gallery, with the support of Krasl Art Center, Lake Michigan College, the BH/SJ Arts & Culture Social Justice Group, and the cities of Benton Harbor and St. Joseph. 

About the BH/SJ Arts & Culture Social Justice Group

Two Cities Working Together

The Benton Harbor – St. Joseph Arts & Culture Social Justice Group stands in solidarity with community-wide efforts supporting, advocating and promoting social justice within the cities of Benton Harbor & St. Joseph, Michigan. It is our commitment as cultural institutions and individuals to utilize our unique resources to support this work – this may include special programs, space use, materials and expertise.

We understand social justice to mean that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social justice rights and opportunities. 

Join us!