join us
WE DID IT, SW Michigan!!
We met our $850,000 goal and earned a $50,000 grant from the MEDC for monuments to Dr. King!
Fundraising continues, though. Every dollar raised now will be used for ongoing programming, curriculum development, special events, and monument site maintenance – as well as potential future monument enhancements. Please donate to support these efforts:
- Send a check to PO Box 541, Benton Harbor, Michigan, 49023
- OR Cash App to $UCMP
Endless Thanks to Our Contributors!
Donors at the $1,000 and over levels will be recognized at both sites.
$50,000+ Champions of Unity
AEP Foundation
Corewell Health Lakeland
LIUNA Laborers Local Union 355 (B.M. Arlander Washington)
The MEDC’s Public Spaces Community Places grant program
Whirlpool Foundation
$25,000+ Stewards of Unity
David & Barbara Whitwam Foundation
Frederick S. Upton Foundation
Southwest Michigan Tourist Council
Michael & Lynn Todman
$10,000+ Seekers
Berrien Community Foundation
Daniel Hopp Family Foundation
Lake Michigan College
Meijer Inc
Michigan Arts & Culture Council
Michigan Humanities
Schalon Foundation
St. Joe Monument Works
St. Joseph-Benton Harbor Rotary Club Foundation
United Federal Credit Union
ZOY! Expeditions
$5,000+ Dreamers
1st Source Bank
J.C. & Nancy Anderson
Michele & Dave Binkley
In memory of Louise Todd Cope (Linnea Todd)
Fettig Family Foundation
Honor Credit Union
Michael & Lisa Johnson
Jim & Amy Marohn
William & Jane Marohn
North Pier Brewing Company
Toni & Richard Rabbers
Linnea Todd
$1963 Marchers
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. – Iota Iota Omega Chapter
Andrews University
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Barbara, Marty, & Bea Craig
Les & Audrey Elwell
Tami & Peter Fauver
Kim Jorgensen Gane & Scott R. Gane Photography
Building a Legacy, Embracing Dr. King’s Dream-The Johnson Mayfield Brown family
Ryan Juszkiewicz
Grace Kelmer
Mike & Sarah Nadolski
Donald W. Pearson, E.D.S.
The Pokagon Fund
The Sam Fund In Memory of Laura & Marcia Mussman
Margaret Trumbull
$1,000+ Legacy Keepers
2nd Chance True Gospel Ministries
Abonmarche Consultants
Dawn C. Ankli
Kenneth Ankli & Ann R. Miller
Benton Harbor High School Class of 1973
Benton Harbor High School Class of 1983
Alloyd Blackmon
The Boulevard Inn & Bistro
Brookview Montessori School
Sharon and Emanuel Brown
Beverly Kim Burks
Caffé Tosi
Barry & Jody Conybeare
Cornerstone Alliance
Culture, Needs & Heritage Foundation
Dock 63 and Red Arrow Transport, Inc.
Ted & Ann Dosch
Sven Erickson & Christopher Florian
Judy Felland
First Congregational Church UCC of St. Joseph
J. Paul Fletcher & Nancy Hourigan
Melanie J. Goff
Alexander Halbleib
Stephen & Karen Hempel
Mark F. Hesemann
Dave and Lynn Holmgren
Holt Bosse
Insurance Management Service
Commissioner Edward Isom and Yvonne Isom
Jennifer Jacobs & John Dine
Jacquie Johnson & Mark Stanish
Kindness Counts Fund/Mrs. Janna Conybeare
Patrick J. Kinney Family
David & Elaine Kirshenbaum & Family
Kruggel Lawton CPA
Trevor & Kim Kubatzke
Chris & Katie Kwon
David & Karen Laetz
The Lannert Group
MacDonald Action Foundation
Mrs. Bernice (Woods) Mason
Meryle Merritt
Phil & Melissa Molloy
Region IV Area Agency on Aging
Reitz, Dunning & Lemons Family
Shurn’s Auto Service Center
Roy & Gloria Shurn
Leonard Shustek & Donna Dubinsky
Silver Beach Pizza
Silver Harbor Brewing Company
Tom Starks
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Sturgis Bank and Trust Company
Greg & Janice Vaughn
Richard & Donna Vavra-Musser
Rick Villa
Wales Wealth Management Group
Dana and Dawn Wales
Gary & Leslie Wood
Brian Ziebart
$500+ Activists
David Baute
First Presbyterian Church
Thomas & Janet Gourley
Bill & Kathleen Hanley
Thomas & Colleen Hurst
Robert & Joan Judd
Steve & Pamela Klyn
Laura Lukas
John & Stacy Lynch
Donna Metz
Larry & Jenny Schanker
Janet Sullivan
Tenneco Inc, South Bend, IN
Towards Justice
Molly Triemstra
John & Diane VonderHaar
Steve Wessell
Trishonda Woods
$100+ Advocates
William & Judy Allen
Tom & Kathryn Altholz
Maria Ambre
Cheryl D. Autry
Amy Scrima & Brian Bailey
Joseph Barrett
Calvin Bell
Benevity Fund
Benton Harbor DDA Board Members
Martha Bertsch
Jean Bloomquist
Megan & Jesse Bolinder
Barbara J. Boyd
Robert & Denise Briggs
Veronica & Thomas Buckley
Gladys Peeples-Burks
Harold & Pamela Bush
Pam Bylsma
Jane Carter
Kathy R. Catania
Lynne Clayton
Coastline Children’s Film Festival
Jayme Cousins
Michael & Phyllis Damschroder
Alvin & Deborah Davis
Thomas Debit
Kathleen DeVries
Charles L. Dewitte
Cecilia & George Dixon
Julia Gourley Donohue
Lisa Cripps & Bill Downey
David Driscoll
Robert & Cynthia Ehrenberg
Ilse Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Carol Flowers
Forté Coffee
Becky & David Foster
Margaret Q. Gay
Jimmy and Sarah Gendernalik
Paul Gillespie
Mark Glenn
God’s Mercy Seat Ministries
Mary Golichowski
Laura Goos
John D. Gotto
William & Nancy Graham
Great Lakes Scientific
Marilyn J. Griffiths
Robert & Leslie Haemer
Gregory Hankamp
Robert & Janeen Harrison
Bob & Marilyn Havenga
The Hodgson Family
Laurence & Sheryl Holland
Lisa Hubbs
Charles & Mary Jo Jager
Kathryn Jarvi
Heather Johnson
Peter & Karen Johnson
Atty. S. Jack & Julie Keller
David & Elaine Kirshenbaum
Robert & Mary Kynast
Janice & Tuck Langland
Eric & Audrey Lester
Richard & Sharon Linden
Kristy Mahlo
James & Marion Maier
Katherine Manning
Gregory Mauchmar
Michael E Mayle
Mary McKay
Patrick M. Moody
Molly & Tim Moonen
Morton House Museum
Anne Odden
Dorothy Parker
Christopher Parrett
Barbara Peeples
Lisa P. Peeples-Hurst
Barbara Pence
Joyce Perkins
Kristine E. Peterson
Ben Phillips
Michelle Priefer
John & Kristen Proos
Carl “Sonny” Pusey
Gabriele Radies
Selena Randall
Dan and Laura Robinson
Janice & James Sanders
Andrew Sawyer
Doug & Peggy Schaffer
Linda Schmidt
Connie Schreiber
Ashley Schulte
Barbara and Gary Senner
Marcy Simpson
Van Simpson
Jennifer Smith
Sherwood Snyder
Kimberly Sparkmon
Brook Thomas
Christopher Thomas
Terry Unterman & Roberta Glick
Soroya Pierre-VanArtsen
Gretta VanBree
Debi VanDenBoom
Dan Velez
Jan Versaw
Deborah Vickers & Wilhemina Kaeding
Timothy Walls
Jeff & Laurie Walter
Sandy Warren
Rebecca Wehmer
Tala Welch
Richard & Susan Westin
Pamela Whitehead
Evelyn Wilson
Jaclyn Winship
William & Bonnie Wolf
Edith Woods
Mamie Yarbrough
Bruce D. Zoschke
$1+ Believers
Jill Adams
Brianna Allen
Patricia Allred
Fai Amoroso
Daniel & Elizabeth Anderson
Stacey Assell
Tyler Augst
Michael Ault
Julie Baigorria
Tiana Batiste-Waddell
Elynda & Donald Bedney
Jerome Beene
Jamie and Joe Beer
Barbara Belfino
Timothy & Janice Bell
Julie Christian Bender
Bethany Benton
Shelley Bixby
Mary Blue
Hannah Bogner
Christie Bowman
Shacola Bratcher
John Brady
Hope Bretana
Michelle Bronakoski
Lisa Brooks
Elizabeth Brown
Septembra Brown
James & Emma Bruin
William Buhrfiend
Andrew & Kim Capes
Brian Carroll
Tracey A. Carter
Linda Cheek
Lynne M. Christiano
Tanya Christie
Miguel Clark
Ethel Clark-Griffin
Laura Claude
Tammy Clem
Rob & Susan Cleveland
Jasmin Closson
Phyllis Croce
Eileen Cropley-Elliott & Scott Elliott
Megan Dado
Dar Davis
Janice Dawson
Jill DiFranco Trust
Candice Elders
Jennifer Fischer
Erick Fisher
Jennifer Fleeman
Alice Ford
Judy Frankland
Nancy Fuller
Jessica Gardner
Gane Possible with Kim Jorgensen Gane
Jackson Gearhart
Joely Gibson
Laura Gilbert
Alex Giorgio
Mark Goff
Mario Goncalves
Todd & Emily Graham
Deborah Gray
Susan Greco
Valerie Greer
Sue E. Griffin
John & Jo-Anne Gruchot
Lyle Gurd
Calandra Hackler
Kelli Hahn
Marynell Halbleib
Joyce Hampton
George S. Hanns
Christopher Hathaway
Darlene Hawkins
Ashley A. Hines
David Hoffman
Jason Hoffman
Jesse Holston
Jeannette E. Holton
Missy Howse-Kurtz
Christina Humphreys
Angie Hunter
Cory Imler
Mark Ishaug
Steven Jacobs
Yolanda Jones
Flora Kamala
Sue Kellogg
Jerome & Dawn Kemmer
Jena Kennedy
Nevine Khalil
Kingdom Investment Networking Group LLC
Carlyn Klemm
David & Victoria Koch
Oscar & Irene Konieczny
Amanda LaFay
Anthony & Ginger Lamar
Eli Landsman
Lilah Landsman
David & Sue Lea
Leonel Leal
Sondra Levin
Hannah Locklear
Jim Long
Karlyn March
Ann Marie Marlow
Hannah Marrish
Susan Matheny
Todd McClain
Ruthie McCoy Haralson
Molly McFadden
Doris McIntosh Brown
Jessica McIntyre
Emily McKenna
Beth McKim
Shannon McRae
Landon Mensinger
Mark Miller
Kerry Mindeman
Lauren Moore
Pamela Morris
Anita Morse
Gabriel Murdock
Marlo Murphy
Karen S. Nason
Brenda Nieb
Nolan O’Brien
Deb Panozzo
Brooklyn Parsons
Harriet Peeples
Emily Peters
Leslie Pickell
Jon & Diane Pilarski
Emily Pines
Jerry Price
Haley Priem
Jolene Prosper
Eric Richard
Shyrita Richard
Cynthia S. Richel
Kristen Robinson
Rachel Rogalske
Justine Ruiz
Tina Sarantos
Donna Schinto
Juliana Schmatz
Antonette Sdao
Amy Semenak
Claudia Shagen
Gabrielle Shimulunas
Nathan Shotwell
Michael Sleep
David Slye
Alvin Smith
Christopher Smith
Allene Smith
Dolleen Smith
Michael Smith
Joseph Sova
Laura Lee Sova
Trinity Steen
Kathleen A. Szabo
Ying Tan
Nick & Elaine Thomopoulos
Juhelia Thompson
Alayne Thorpe
Sarah Tollefson
Jennifer Tomshack
Andrae Townsel
Kyle Trewhella
Sherrie Tucker
Derek Vander Heide
Kayla VanderPloeg
Alex & Sara Vanderveen
Dana Walsworth
Gloria Weberg
Andrew Wendelborn
Pam Wheeler
Heather Wiker
Chandra Williams
Mary L. Wilson
Douglas Wold
Bobbie Jo Wrenfrow
Mark Yaney
Daimei Zhu
As of 10/01/24. For corrections and information, email

About Berrien Community Foundation
The BH/SJ Arts and Culture Social Justice Group has partnered with Berrien Community Foundation to serve as the Unified Civic Monuments Project’s fiduciary and fund manager.
The Berrien Community Foundation was established in 1952 by William Vawter and a group of concerned business people, much like the rest of the community foundation movement that started in the Midwest. The Foundation is an innovative means by which concerned citizens can put charitable dollars to work for the benefit of Berrien County residents.
It is a union of numerous gifts, bequests, and other contributions that form endowments and other funds. The spendable portion of the Foundation’s endowments are used to make grants to agencies and institutions serving the residents of Berrien County.d